Nybron Advokater advises on the establishment of the real estate company Vendus

Vendus Sweden AB (publ), a real estate company established by Carnegie Investment Bank, Venandi Fastigheter (V Real Invest AB) and MEL & ME Fastighet AB, has acquired V Real Estate AB, a real estate company focused on food anchored commercial real estate, from Venandi Fastigheter. V Real Estate AB owns 37 properties with a property value of approximately SEK 2 billion.

Nybron Advokater has advised Venandi Fastigheter in the transaction.

For more information, please see the link below to the press release (in Swedish only).
Carnegie, Venandi Fastigheter och MEL & ME Fastighet etablerar Vendus genom en portföljaffär om 37 livsmedelsfastigheter värt cirka SEK 2.0 miljarder – Carnegie (cision.com)